.NET Framework, SharePoint Server, and Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Security Vulnerability

Released: Jul 14, 2020

Last updated: Oct 13, 2020

Assigning CNA
CVE.org link

Executive Summary

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in .NET Framework, Microsoft SharePoint, and Visual Studio when the software fails to check the source markup of XML file input. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could run arbitrary code in the context of the process responsible for deserialization of the XML content.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker could upload a specially crafted document to a server utilizing an affected product to process content.

The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how .NET Framework, Microsoft SharePoint, and Visual Studio validates the source markup of XML content.


The following table provides an exploitability assessment for this vulnerability at the time of original publication.

Publicly disclosed
Exploitability assessment
Exploitation More Likely


I am running Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2 and I cannot install the Monthly Rollup or Security Only updates for any of the 4.X versions of Microsoft .NET Framework. How do I protect my system from this vulnerability?

There is a known issue with the Monthly Rollup and Security Only updates for the 4.X versions of .NET Framework installed on Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2. For a workaround to this known issue, please see the Article listed in the Security Updates table for the version of .NET Framework you are trying to install.

Where does this vulnerability present itself?

The vulnerability is found in the DataSet and DataTable types which are .NET components used to manage data sets.

Where can I find additional developer guidance for the secure use of DataSet or DataTable types?

Updated security guidance can be found on MSDN here - https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2132227

What updates need to be installed to fully protect my system from this vulnerability?

Full protection requires the installation of the .NET Framework update as well as updates for any additional affected products mentioned in this article.


  • Markus Wulftange (@mwulftange)
  • Jonathan Birch of Microsoft Office Security Team
  • Oleksandr Mirosh (@olekmirosh) from Micro Focus Fortify
Microsoft recognizes the efforts of those in the security community who help us protect customers through coordinated vulnerability disclosure. See Acknowledgements for more information.

Security Updates

To determine the support lifecycle for your software, see the Microsoft Support Lifecycle.

Release date Descending


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